If you want to start your own internet business in the shortest amount of time, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.
If you want to protect yourself from all sorts of frustration like product creation, website design and copy writing, then I urge you to read this article -- immediately.
If you're sick and tired of information overload that pops up different business opportunities all around the net, then here's good news--
Now you can start your own internet business quickly by selling quality resell right products and cash-in on one of the greatest money making opportunities of 2007.
I have used these same steps detailed below to make as much as $15,000 from just a small $47 one time investment. Now you can do it too.
Here YOU Go...
Step 1 - Grab a Quality Resell Rights Package.
Quality is extremely important if you want to succeed in the long run. You can hunt for quality resell right products on Google.
Let us assume that your niche is dog training, you can search for...
dog training resell rights
keyword on Google and you will get hundreds if not thousands of results giving you some resell rights package relating to dog training niche.
Step 2 - Create Package of Your Own.
Grab few quality resell right products, jumble them up and create a unique package of your own.
Give name to your package. If your name is John you can call your package as...
"John's Dog Training Institute"
You can add your own services to your package that no one provides. This will make your package sell like hot cakes.
Creating unique packages will distinguish your product from the crowd selling the same resell rights package.
Step 3 - Add Quality Bonus.
You can create killer reports, videos or add more quality resell right products as bonuses.
Adding your own bonus will increase perceived value of the package.
Step 4 - Create Killer Website Copy and Graphics.
Donot copy the same website copy as given by the resell rights package. Read the copy, remove benefits out of it and write your own copy.
The same goes for website graphics. Donot use the graphics provided to you by the resell rights package. Instead design your own website and create your own graphics to differentiate yourself from the crowd.
Step 5 - Create a Killer Follow Up System.
Remove some quality stuff out of your package and create a killer follow up system.
It can be a free ebook, ecourse, report or a video. Create a squeeze page and give your visitors this free gift once they subscribe to your list.
Your follow up system should provide quality information and sell your package too. Having this kind of follow up system in place will boost up your sales.
Step 6 - Get Traffic to Your Squeeze Page.
Start getting traffic to your squeeze page. Write articles, participate in discussion forums, create a blog, create search engine optimized content sites, get involved in pay per click search engines, place ezine ads and do everything you can to attract traffic to your squeeze page.
Once your subscriber signs up in your list, your follow up system will automatically promote your package and make sales.
Step 7 - Blast Weekly Newsletters.
Make sure you blast weekly newsletters to your list that contains quality articles. Also make sure you promote your package as well as your affiliate products to make cool money in return.
Apply this 7 block formula and I bet you will get started with your own resell rights business in less than a week.